
Identifying Specific Need

The world is a vast place and the needs of many are evident – sometimes overwhelming. You are reading this because you have decided to make a difference. Where do you start? We can help you to narrow the focus and match it to your team’s capacity.

Perhaps you have already found an area of need that you want to address: water purification, medical clinics, or housing, and the list goes on. We can help connect you to an area that has self-identified that need.

Finding Partners

Partnership in any project is critical for success and sustainability without creating dependency. If you serve here in the U.S. or internationally, coming alongside the people you are working with creates trust. While collaborating with them and collectively pursuing solutions, you become their valuable partner. Working together to implement your collective ideas will produce a more sustainable solution.

We can help you identify how your capabilities can be maximized in partnership with those who would benefit.

Planning Logistics

Travel plans, lodging, food, in-country transportation, and security – these are just some of the many things to consider when planning a trip to serve others. Specifics to the project are also important: supplies, equipment, medications, and other necessary components need attention. We can help you plan every aspect of your trip and make you a more effective partner to those you are going to serve.

Fundraising Consulting

Donor services are available to help guide you in fundraising for your project. We help you develop and assess your strategy, research grantmaking foundations and provide fundraising training for you to meet your goals and make a positive impact in the work you are doing. We become a special staff officer for you.



Experience reciprocating joy in yourselves and in those you serve

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